Vrushal Kulkarni

Vrushal Kulkarni

MS in Computer Science, Northeastern University
Software Engineer | AWS Certified Developer Associate
View Resume


I am currently a graduate student pursuing Masters in Computer Science at Northeastern University and actively looking for Full-Time Developer roles starting from May 2018. I am a Java Developer and specialize in Full Stack Web Development, Cloud Computing (AWS), Android App development and Artificial Intelligence. I have worked at New York Life as a Cloud Software Engineer (CO-OP) in New York City from Jan to August 2017.Here I have worked on building a Web Portal for Compensation and Billing team for an Insurance as a Service platform using Angular 2, NodeJS and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Prior to this, I have worked at Cognizant Technology Solutions in India in the field of Android and Web Development. I'd like to work in a dynamic and fast-paced environment to improve my skills while creating useful and cutting edge software at the same time.

My non-tech side of life includes playing chess, cricket, cooking, swimming, playing drums and backpacking to remote destinations.

Work Experience

Cloud Software Engineer (Co-Op) - New York Life-Labs (Jan 2017 - Aug 2017)

I got an opportunity to work at New York Life- Labs right in the heart of the New York City. As a Cloud Software Engineer I developed an end-to-end compensation and billing web portal using Angular 2, Node.js and Amazon Web Services like S3, DynamoDB, RDS, SES and Lambda for an insurance platform. I implemented back-end Microservices in Node.js using Sequelize to integrate the backend data using Amazon RDS and deployed the application with Docker. Furthermore, we used AWS lambda, GraphQL and Serverless framework to build APIs to fetch data from DynamoDB. I also learnt designing wireframes using lucidchart to orchestrate the frontend development of the web portal.

Software Engineer - Cognizant Technology Solutions (2014 - 2015)

I worked with Cognizant, India after my undergraduate studies as a Software engineer in the domain of Android and Web applications. I worked on building a module of an Android app for a major automobile industry client to measure various ride efficiency parameters like speed of the vehicle, distance travelled and carbon emission for a particular trip. We designed User Interface of the speedometer, using custom views, to integrate data with the server using web services. The app was developed using the concept of Q-Cards which basically calculated the score for an individual ride based on which cost effectiveness was subsequently calculated. A library was used to implement the algorithm at the back-end which was integrated with this Android App using the Java Wrapper Classes. I also worked on JMeter tool to test the server load for particular services for various projects.

Summer Intern - Maven Systems Private Limited (May 2012 - July 2012)

I worked as a summer intern at Maven Systems, India on a project "Discrete Event simulator for Zigbee Protocol". I worked on Modeling a mesh algorithm to find optimal path in a mesh network of up-to 5000 modules by implementing a Deterministic Finite Automaton in C. We implemented a front-end for run-time visualization of actual packet movement using C#.NET. We also collected and analyzed various statistics about the number of collisions, round trip time, number of retries, time taken for transmission to improve the performance. Our team was very happy when we came to know that a product was implemented based on the simulation for several service providers in India.

Information Technology Specialist - Northeastern University (2016 - 2017)

I worked part-time at the Northeastern University's IT service desk. Working here, I troubleshooted and solved issues associated with hardware, software and OS on both Mac and PC. I also managed the central IT help desk by providing walk-in technical support to students, staff and faculty, tracking all the work on ServiceNow ticketing tool and resolving them within the given SLA's; resulted in achieving customer satisfaction of 5/5.

Teaching Assistant - Northeastern University (Oct 2016 - Dec 2016)

I was a teaching assistant for Computer Science and its applications course at Northeastern University. I guided students through their course structure and grading their assignments. I also conducted tutoring sessions, answering their doubts, and assisting students with laboratory sessions

Personal Projects

project name

3D Watermarking Using Artificial Immune System Algorithm (Research Project)

The objective of this project was to classify the vertices of 3D Mesh for appropriateness of candidates for watermark insertion using Clonal Selection algorithm (CSA). The base foundation was laid by researching through Artificial Immune System theory profoundly and implementing CSA algorithm using Java and WEKA APIs. I had to formulate a code in Java to create an ARFF file from a high density OFF file using the concepts of feature vectors which were the input files for this algorithm.

Source Code

project name

TAPAS- TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service

TAPAS is a project targeted for Scholars and Researchers to publish their TEI (text encoding initiative) data and provide repository services at low cost. We implemented a Rails application using Hydra framework on top of Fedora repository by using Solr and Blacklight to retrieve data from the eXist database in the Vagrant environment. Furthermore, we also solved the problem of data duplication by eliminating Drupal and built user interface as a Ruby on Rails application.

Source Code

project name

Simulation of Job Scheduling Algorithms

We in a team of four implemented and evaluated the performance of various job scheduling algorithms like First come first serve (FCFS), Shortest job first preemptive/non-preemptive (SJF) and Round Robin in Java language. We also designed an interactive GUI using Java Swing to make a comparative study of arrival time, processing time, waiting time and turnaround time.

Source Code

project name

Nuclear Power Plant Simulation using OpenGL

This project depicted the simulation of working of a Nuclear Power Plant. We implemented various computer graphics algorithms like DDA and Bresenham’s line and circle drawing algorithm. We also performed a comparative study of the shapes made by OpenGL commands and computer graphics algorithms.

Source Code